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Angelo and Marie are the authors of the books "Fimark's Family Reunion Planner Guide Workbook and Keepsake", "Finding True Love: And The Secret To A Lasting Marriage", "Fimark's My Keepsake Wedding Planner", various children books, as well as the "Art of Bubble Blowing."

Thursday, May 31, 2018

Why Rebuild And Maintain Your Family Reunion Website

"Friends will come and go, but family will always be there."

That said, it is wise to find a way to stay in touch. This article explains simple ways to instantly reconnect with family and keep the dialogue going.

Often family members become more distant because of the strain of the economy, taking on two or more jobs and coping the demands of day to day life leaves little time to connect with remote family members. Falling behind responding to letters,  phone messages, texts, and email can make connecting even more difficult. Before you know it months have passed by and you now must face the music at the next family reunion.  Is there a way to avoid this dilemma without having to increase phone calls? Yes. Build and maintain a family reunion website.

Imagine having a central place on the web that everyone knows about which features a discussion board and content devoted to the cause of family life.  Best of all there are a variety of ways to connect with family from one dedicated family reunion website.  Discussion board tied to social accounts, text apps and email help keep the group dialog going.  

Family historians and genealogists can post family history updates, add to family history photo gallery, and post news of ancestral findings such as DNA results, wills, estates, and heirlooms.  

Broadcasting videos and announcing upcoming or current event news is what family reunion websites are best used for.  Announce fundraisers and event ticket sales. You can blast announcements to email, via group text and more. But the absolute best feature is video uploads. What better place to display your video than on your own family's dedicated website. These intimate events are what the Internet is all about. 

But why, after the family reunion event is over, do most family reunion planners shut down their family reunion website? There could be a number of reasons. An expired credit card, cancellation of the email used to verify account ownership, forgetting the password, or just underestimating the value and power of a website dedicated to the entire clan.  To keep the family reunion website up and running consider sharing the cost with two or more other family members. A good incentive to pay is VIP privileges, rewards and freebies associated with the next reunion event.

Imagine being able to send out wedding and graduation party invitations with RSVP via the family website. Posting a gift wishlist for any occasion. Getting needed funds for college, medical bills and other family emergencies. Posting news clips featuring a family milestone. Posting family business ads. Sending a group greeting card just to say "I Love You All." No one will say "I haven't heard from you" ever again.

While it is true that once the big event has passed, website activity tends to decrease, that's no reason to close your family website account. Once the next reunion is planned activity will pick up. And if everyone pitches in to update the content the activity will remain fun and lively. That said, family reunion websites are perhaps the most effective ways to connect, update and empower the family without having to call, text or web conference individually.

What! You don't have a family reunion website? Looking to renew a canceled or suspended web account? No problem. Start rebuilding your family's central place on the web right here...

Get a Free Family Reunion website

Start a Free Fundraiser online now

Keywords: family reunion website, best family reunion website host, family reunion website activity, Discussion board, social accounts, Family history updates, photo gallery, fundraisers, event ticket sales, announcements blasts, email, group text, invitations, RSVP, event planning 

Tags: #familyreunionwebsite, #bestfamilyreunionwebsitehost, #increasewebsiteactivity, #discussionboards, #socialaccounts, #familyhistory, #photogallery, #fundraisers, #eventticketsales, #announcementsblasts, #grouptext, #sendinvitations, #RSVP, #eventplanning 

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